Whiting And Paris White, which is powdered chalk (carbonate of lime) is found in nature. It is ground, washed and floated through vats with excess of water, and allowed to settle. The best grades being those taken from the furthest vats.

The best quality of putty is made from whiting and pure linseed oil. Whiting requires about 23 per cent. of oil to form putty. This article is adulterated with barytes and marble dust, which take much less oil to form a mass of equal consistency and as oil is the expensive ingredient in putty, this saving is quite an object. In place of linseed oil, cottonseed oil, paraffine and neutral oils are used. The substitution of mineral oils is what causes the putty to strike through the paint and show yellow; why not insist on having pure linseed oil putty and pay the price. Let us see what is the cost of pure putty:

80 1bs. whiting, at 3-4c, 1b................


20 1bs. raw oil, at 6c. 1b................................


Package ....................


Labor, etc. l-2c. lb............



When you consider that most putty is retailed at $1.75 to $2.00 per cwt, it is readily understood why it can not be pure.

Whiting or Paris white is used as an adulterant in colored pigments, usually in connection with barytes. It counteracts the open texture and heaviness of the latter substance, and, being more opaque, increases the covering power. When used in colors, it dulls or destroys the coloring power of the pigment in which quality barytes is superior.

Whiting is the base of kalsomines and most fresco or water colors, where it finds extended use.