From the fifth house, Astrologers both ancient and modern, deduce their judgments relative to the children or offspring of the native; Ptolemy joins with this the angle of the mid-heaven, and also the eleventh house : it is said to be the house of children and women, which in horary Astrology it certainly is; denoting also the father's property, both personal and real; childrens health and welfare, whether present or absent; also all questions relating to pleasure, amusement, gaming, taverns, theatres, banquets and merry-making of all sorts; it is also the house of pregnancy.

In State Astrology, it denotes ambassadors or messengers; as well the strength or weakness of any besieged place. According to an ancient manuscript, Haly, and other Arabian Astrologers of past times, set forth various other significations of the fifth house, as denoting " in the above art, the cheapness or dearness of bread, wine, and victuals in general for that region to which the horoscope is erected". In horary questions, the same authors write, " the fifth house signifies, upon children, delectation, pleasure and legacies; also upon charters, books and messages; it also signifies the brethren of brethren, for it is the third house accounted from the third; and the substance of father's, being the second to the fourth house; also the sickness of private enemies, being the sixth house from the twelfth; and the enemies of friends, as being the seventh house or opposite to the eleventh house; and the death of kings or monarchs as being the eighth house from the tenth, or medium coeli; and long journeys of religious persons, as being the ninth house to the ninth; and the magistery or dignity of the absent, as being the tenth to the eighth house; also the friends of the askers or enquirers enemies, as being the eleventh to the seventh house; and lastly, the private enemies of servants, as being the twelfth house to the sixth". It is a masculine house, and like Of The Fifth House 153 , rules the stomach, liver, heart, sides, and back.