Cancer is the sign of the AEstival or Summer tropic, cold, watery, phlegmatic, feminine, cardinal, northern, commanding, nocturnal, moveable, weak, mute, and particularly fruitful sign, more so, perhaps, than any other sign in the zodiac. It is the house of the Moon, and exaltation of Jupiter; producing a native of fair, but pale, complexion, round face, grey or mild blue eyes, weak voice, the upper part of the body large, slender arms, small feet, and an effeminate constitution. It governs the breast, and the whole region of the stomach. Its diseases are asthmas, shortness of breath, disorders of the chest and lungs, pleurisy, coughs, consumptions, loss of appetite, inflammations of the vital parts, cancers, dropsy, and imposthumes. It also gives great fear of insanity, if malific stars are angular. Its colours are green and russet.

It governs Scotland, Holland, Zealand, Burgundy, Africa, Algiers, Tunis, Tripoli, Constantinople, Amsterdam, Cadiz, Venice, Genoa, York, St. Andrews, and New York. In horary questions, it denotes seas, great navigable rivers or canals, brooks, springs, wells, marshes, ditches, sedges, trenches, cis. terns, bathing or watering places, hydraulic machines, reservoirs, sewers, etc. Being peculiar to the water, and aquatic experiments or purposes.

The ancients term this constellation unfortunate; yet this must be judged (as before said) by the leading configurations, in the horoscope.