Slack 1-2 bushel of lime with boiling water in a covered vessel. Strain through a fine sieve, add 7 lbs. of salt, previously dissolved in warm water, 2 lbs. of ground rice, boiled to a paste and stirred in boiling hot, 1-2 lb. of powdered whiting, 1 lb. glue, previously dissolved. Add 5 gallons of hot water to the mixture, stir well, then let stand a few days, well protected from dust and dirt. Apply hot. Coloring matter may be added.


Mix up the lime and water in the usual way, add a little salt; then add 1 lb. of flour, previously mixed with hot water, to each pailful of whitewash.


Slake 30 pounds of lime in a suitable vessel, by covering it with water. Dilute the mixture, and add 2 pounds of sulphate of zinc, and 1 pound of salt; or in place of the zinc and salt, add 1 pound of good Portland, or other hydraulic cement to each 10 pounds of lime used.