558. Mackerel

Cleanse the fish thoroughly inside and out, remove the roe carefully, steep it in vinegar and water, and replace it; place the fish in water from which the chill has been taken, and boil very slowly from fifteen to twenty minutes, the best criterion is to be found in the starting of the eyes and splitting of the tail, when that takes place the fish is done; take it out of the water instantly, or you will not preserve it whole. Garnish with fennel or parsley, and either chopped fine in melted butter, serve up as sauce. Gooseberry sauce is occasionally sent to table, but it does not suit every palate.

559. Mackerel Pie

You may do the same as No. 505, but do not lay them in salt, and use fennel and mint and parsley.

560. How To Bake Mackerel

Open and cleanse thoroughly, wipe very dry, pepper and salt the inside, and put in a stuffing composed of bread crumbs finely powdered, the roe chopped small, parsley, sweet herbs, very few of the latter; work together with the yolk of an egg, pepper and salt to taste, sew it in the fish, place the latter in a deep baking dish, dredge it with flour slightly, add a little cold fresh butter in small pieces, put them into an oven, and twenty-eight or thirty minutes will suffice to cook them.

Send them in a hot dish to table, with parsley and butter.

561. Another Way

After you have opened and cleaned them cut off the heads and tails, rub pepper and salt into them, lay them in a deep dish with" two bay leaves, a few blades of mace, a table-spoonful of whole black pepper, pour over them just sufficient to cover them equal portions of vinegar and water; cover the dish with cartridge-paper, and tie it down closely; bake an hour in a slow oven. Serve with melted butter and parsley, or fennel chopped fine in it. This is an excellent way when the fish is to be eaten cold.

562. How To Broil Mackerel

Cleanse it well, and cut with a sharp knife, a gash from head to tail of the mackerel, just sufficient on one side to clear the backbone, pass into the incision a little pepper (cayenne) and salt, moistened with clarified butter, broil it over a clear fire, be particular that the bars of the gridiron are well rubbed over with suet to.prevent the skin of the mackerel adhering in turning; the sides being the thinnest part will be first done, take off the gridiron, and hold it in front of the fire for five minutes, the back of the fish being next the fire, and the fish will be thoroughly done; this is the readiest and most effective mode.

The sauce may be the same as for boiled mackerel, or sauce a la maitre d'hotel.

563. Broiled Mackerel

Prepare by boiling a short time a little fennel, parsley, and mint; when done take it from the steaks, and chop all together fine, mix a piece of butter with it, a dust of flour, pepper, and salt; cut your fish down the back and fill it with this stuffing; oil your gridiron and oil your fish; broil them over a clear slow fire. Fennel sauce in a boat.