
When good are thick, and the belly is white with a. faint yellow tinge.


The fish stiff the scales very bright, the belly thick, the gills a brilliant colour, and the flesh when cut a beautiful red,, will prove it to be a fine fresh fish. It cannot be too fresh.


The best fish are thick at the neck,, very red gills, firm white flesh, bright, and blood-shot eyes, and small head.


The finest have very thick bodies, and should be very white.


Very red gills, blood-shot eyes, very bright scales, and the fish stiff, shows them to be good and fresh.


Thick bodies, the.bellies of a. creamy white, show them to be good: a flabby sole, with a pale blue tinge on the belly, should be avoided.

Flounders may be chosen as above.


A clear colour and firm bodies, indicate a superior quality.


Bright eyes, thick bodies, the prismatic colours very predominant on the belly, denote freshness and goodness.

Pike, Carp, Tench, Perch,Smelts, Gudgeons, etc., may be judged by the above rules.


The red are preferred to the grey, and the sea to the river. They are a delicious fish when properly cooked.


The Thames, or silver eel, are the best; the Dutch are not good; the bright silver-hued belly and thickness of back, are the guides in their selection.