To a round weighing 8 or 10 pounds allow 2 gallons of water. Put into a large vessel to boil; add 4 onions, 1 pint of strong vinegar, 1 teacup of sugar, salt to taste, 2 teaspoons of black pepper, 1 teaspoon of celery seed, 1 teaspoon of ground allspice, a few cloves, 1 thyme, 1 slice of pork, 1 teacup of green tomato catsup, 1 glass of jelly, 1 glass of wine; the wine and jelly can be omitted. Boil 4 hours until the bone becomes loose in the round; then take up the beef and remove the bone, having ready stuffing made either of old biscuit or light bread soaked in the gravy the beef was cooked in; mash fine and fill the opening left by the beef bone; also fill in all spaces and cut places; then wrap in a clean white cloth and tie; press into a pan and put a weight on it, and set aside to get cold. When ready to use, remove the cloth and put the moulded beef in a dish. Cut in thin slices across the top with a sharp knife. Serve with the gravy, which should be boiled down, after taking the meat out, and thickened with brown flour. The gravy should be warmed over when used. In cold weather this will keep for three weeks.

Stewed Tongue

Parboil a fresh tongue and remove the skin; put in water and stew till done. Add 1 onion, allspice, cloves, and pepper; stew about 3 hours. Before serving add a lump of butter sufficient to season it, together with catsups of all kinds. Nice for tea, and is also good when cold.