Definition. - A low and persisting type of inflammation of the sensitive structures of the foot, characterized by changes in the form of the hoof, and incurable pathological alterations within it.

Causes. - Chronic laminitis more often than not is a sequel to the acute form we have just described. With an attack of acute laminitis that defies treatment, and does not end in resolution in from ten days to a fortnight, then the chronic form may be expected.

The brittle horn, convex sole, and other changes we have described under Pumiced Foot may, however, be regarded as a chronic laminitis, and this condition, as we have already indicated in Chapter VI (Faulty Conformation)., may run a course slow and insidious from the onset.

Symptoms. - When the disease arises without previous acute symptoms, the first thing noticeable is an alteration in the gait. The animal begins to go feelingly, especially when first moved out from the stable. Our opinion is asked as to the cause of the lameness, and an inspection is made. With the changes in the form of the hoof as yet wanting, we have nothing to guide us, and other causes for the lameness suggest themselves, probably corns. Evidence of these is not forthcoming, and we in all probability withhold our opinion until a later visit. On the second or a subsequent call we are perhaps lucky enough to find our patient down. Diagnosis is then rendered easier. Made to rise, the animal stands in the attitude we have described as indicative of laminitis. We have him walked and trotted out. The symptoms of tenderness disappear, and the animal soon goes fairly sound. He is, in fact, workable - that is, by anyone who is careless as to the comfort of his beast.

When following an acute attack, we have the most marked symptoms of pain and distress, somewhat abating after the second or third week. The walk, however, is still painful, and, for a short time after rising from the ground, even difficult.

In short, in both cases we have the horse going on his heels, with a walk that is painful, and with symptoms of pain that are most apparent when moved on after a rest.

Later, the changes in the form of the hoof begin to appear. It seems to have lost its elasticity, and is seen to be dry and chippy, and to have become denuded of its varnish-like outer covering.

In addition, it is of largely altered shape. The toe, by reason of the animal walking on his heels, and by reason of an increased growth of horn, becomes elevated, so that the front of the wall, instead of forming an obtuse angle with the ground, comes to run very nearly horizontal with it. The horn of the heels, as compared with that of the toe, takes on an increased growth. The same thing we have already indicated as happening at the toe, though in lesser degree. Taken together, this increased growth of horn at the toe and at the heels has the result of lengthening the diameter of the foot from before backwards, the transverse diameter remaining more or less normal. The hoof thus loses its circular build, and comes to approach nearer an elongated oval.

1 Chronic Laminitis 122

[FIG. 122. - Foot Badly Deformed As A Result Of Chronic Laminitis. At this stage, too, the pathological 'ribbing' of the hoof is observable. The outer surface of the wall becomes marked with a series of ridges encircling the hoof from heel to heel (see Fig. 81, which illustrates a moderate deformity of the hoof occurring after laminitis). In the badly laminitic hoof, however, this deformity is largely increased, until in some cases the shapeless mass can hardly be likened to a foot at all (see Fig. 122).

The inferior or solar surface of the foot also offers certain changes for our consideration. The first thing that strikes one is the convexity of the sole. This, as we have already pointed out, is due to descent of the os pedis, and the highest point of the convex portion is that immediately in front of the apex of the frog. Here the horn is sometimes found to be quite yielding to the finger, is excessively thin, and is more or less granular and inclined to break up under manipulation. As a consequence, any rough use of the drawing-knife, or an accidental wounding with sharp flints or stones, leads to exposure of the sensitive structures and local gangrene.

With the horn of the sole thus deteriorated by reason of excessive and continued pressure upon the parts secreting it, it is not surprising to find that, in many cases, actual penetration of it with the os pedis occurs. It is the anterior portion of the inferior margin of the bone that makes its appearance, and shows itself as a small semicircular white or dark gray line on the sole.

Fig. 123.   Solar Aspect Of Foot With Chronic Laminitis, Showing Its Abnormal Oval Shape From Before Backwards, And The Excess Of Horn Growing From The White Line In The Region Of The Toe

Fig. 123. - Solar Aspect Of Foot With Chronic Laminitis, Showing Its Abnormal Oval Shape From Before Backwards, And The Excess Of Horn Growing From The White Line In The Region Of The Toe.

Exposure of the bone is soon followed by its necrosis, in which case the wound takes on an ulcerating character. From it there is a discharge of pus, black in colour and offensive in smell, and, protruding from the opening, are excessive granulations of the remains of the sensitive sole.

The 'white line,' so apparent when a normal foot is cleaned with the knife, can no longer be sharply distinguished from the surrounding horn, while in some cases the horn composing it takes on an abnormal growth at the toe (see Fig. 123). This adds still further to the abnormal lengthening of the antero-posterior diameter of the foot already mentioned.

In other cases horn in this position is altogether wanting, and in its place is a well-defined cavity, into which the blade of a knife can be readily passed. This cavity is bounded in front by the original wall of the hoof, and is here lined by a degenerated and hypertrophied growth of the horny laminae. Posteriorly the cavity is bounded by the front of the os pedis, and is lined by a thin growth of horn secreted by the keratogenous membrane covering the bone. Superiorly the cavity is quite narrow, and extends to near the lower surface of the coronary cushion, while inferiorly, at its open portion, it is often 1/2 inch to 1 inch wide. Laterally it extends on each side of the toe to the commencement of the quarters.